Colonial Students Participate in the Kids Heart Challenge!

The fourth and fifth graders participated in the Kids Heart Challenge on April 14th at Colonial school. This is Colonials 19th year and our school has raised $62,181.39 over the years!

The American Heart Association is an association that helps raise money for kids and adults with special hearts. A volunteer came and taught Colonial students about their program. Kids and their parents are allowed to donate money online to the Kids Heart Challenge program! 

In the Kids Heart Challenge, there are 7 different dragons with 7 different powers: Hearty -Be kind and helps others, Frankie -Be a leader, Breeze -Say no to tobacco and vaping, Marley -Move more, Dream -Sleep more, Baxter -Be thoughtful, Hydro -Choose water. These dragons help other kids choose right over wrong.

On each continent there is a representative who has a heart disease and this year ours is Finn who is in 2nd grade. Finn has a very special heart. He is very thankful for the American Heart Association and for everyone who helps by participating in the kids heart challenge. 

In Colonial school, we have flags all around our gym from 2004 -now to show our participation in the Kids Heart Challenge. The flags show how important it is to raise money for people with different hearts. Even if your life is good that does not mean other peoples life is, so let’s go help raise money!

At the event we split up into groups and did a lot of different kinds of jump rope like Chinese jump rope, doing different tricks, and timing ourselves to see how many jumps that we can do in a minute. There was also a raffle for a shirt and to unroll the banner and Hannah from 5P and Derek from 4M won. 

The Kids’ Heart Challenge is very fun and we are helping people in need at the same time so it’s a win-win for everyone.