24 Club Winners!


The 24 club at Colonial school met every Wednesday during lunch.  The club was run by Mrs. Salerno who prepared the fourth and fifth graders by teaching them the game of 24. 

Before you play in a tournament you have to know how to play 24. The 24 game is when you are given 4 numbers to try to make 24 using all the numbers only once and using any operation. The 24 tournament is when the 24 best kids in all of the Pelham Elementary schools get picked to go and compete in a 24 tournament. For round 1 and 2 everyone participates. The top 8 scores out of round 1 and 2 move on to the next round, round 3. Finally the top four go onto round 4. 

Our Colonial team was Abigail Harriss (who made it in the final 4), Tess McGibbon (who made it to round 3), Teddy Garry, Kalani Burrus, Louise Tully, Amanda Ferrera, and Morgan Quirolo.

Congratulations to all our 24 club winners here at Colonial!