Building Bridges

Building Bridges

Building Bridges returned for its fourth year at Colonial. Building Bridges is a program designed to educate children about understanding people with different abilities. Colonial students get to experience this through interactive classroom activities and with special guest speakers.

Kindergartners discussed an overview of disabilities. First Graders learned about people with sight impairments. Second Graders learned about hearing impairments. Third Graders focused on Autism and Down Syndrome. Fourth Graders learned about people with physical disabilities and Fifth Graders discussed learning disabilities.

Sometimes the people who come in bring tools, blindfolds, and other objects for activities and observations. Guest speakers come in and give you a blindfold and tell you to walk around or tell you to figure out what you are holding, if you are learning about sight impairments. And they might even tell you to feel braille.

Thank you to the parent volunteers, Mrs. Matts, and her crew who helped make this possible.